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Happy Birthday Bouquets

Happy Birthday Bouquets


Gifting a balloon flower bouquet will be the most unique and memorable gift they could receive. Find their favorite color among our bouquet to show that you care.


Our bouquets usually are displayed with a wrap, a bow or a vase, but you can also add on premium flower hugs including bears, butterflies, ladiebugs or a helium-filled foil balloon. We offer three different sizes: small (5-6 flowers), medium (8-9 flowers) and large (10-12 flowers).


The flower bouquet will be safely stored in a gift bag with a handwritten card on watercolor paper stock. For no charge, we can add your favorite floral scent.


Our bouquets are usually 3-4 feet tall and easily last 3-4 weeks, often 1.5 to 3 months. 

Orders may be delivered as early as next day - we grow them quickly!

  • Care instructions

    For longest lasting condition, keep away from heat and direct sunlight. No water necessary!

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